Achieving Fuel Economy in HCV
By Edit Team | March 20, 2018 1:09 pm SHARE

Discussing the role of lubricants in achieving fuel economy in HCV
Lubricants play an essential role in achieving fuel economy in CVs as they impart high performance to the vehicles, increase the oil drain intervals and are compatible with exhaust after treatment systems. However, one of the major role lubricants play in improving fuel economy and reducing cost of ownership is providing better protection for equipment.
Today, the need to increase the fuel efficiency in HCVs is driven by a large number of factors i.e. reducing emissions, lowering operating costs and reducing fuel consumption. Hence, we discuss the role of lubricants in achieving fuel economy in HCV:
Selecting the best oil for an application
Governmental regulations have created a need to achieve greater fuel efficiency to boost global economy and environmental safety. Fuel economy in HCV can be achieved through reduction of friction in engine, transmission and differential. Sandeep Ganjoo, Assistant General Manager- Business Development, Apar Industries Ltd, says, “Using advanced lubricants in all the categories can easily show an overall improvement of 4 to 5 per cent in fuel economy. Along with various engine design changes, the focus has been publicised in developing fuel efficient engine oils. The role of lubricants in improving fuel efficiency and provide strategies for selecting the best oil for a given application.”
He adds, “By using dedicated lubricants for engine or transmission and differential a minimum fuel economy of 3 per cent is achievable which can be further improved if replaced with latest technology lubricants.”
Lower viscosity has become a bigger focus
The drive to increased fuel efficiency for heavy duty vehicles is driven primarily by a desire to lower operating costs. This is leading to a shift in the typical viscosity grades used from 15W-40 to 10W-40 5W-40, 0W40 and 5W30. However, unlike for passenger cars (currently GF-5), earlier there were no standard tests for the evaluation of heavy duty diesel engine oil fuel economy improvement and the same was catered by various OEMs through specific fuel consumption pattern as per their own requirements. Ganjoo informs, “Blending low viscosity oil to improve fuel efficiency is actually relatively simple; the challenge comes when one looks to balance it with engine protection and acceptable oil drain intervals. Lower viscosity has become a bigger focus given the need for enhanced fuel economy. The fuel economy improvement that can be expected from using lower viscosity oils depends on the engine type and duty cycle, and with the oil that is selected.”
Compared to conventional API CI-4 SAE 15W-40 oils, fuel economy improvements of 2.5 per cent or more can be achieved by using API FA-4 licensed products.
API has come up with the latest version of engine oils under FA4 category which are carefully evaluated to ensure that they will be measurable in the field for fuel economy improvements.
Enabler and Contributor
The role of engine oils can contribute to improvements in fuel economy in two ways, as an Enabler by providing high performance robustness that allows changes to engine design and after treatment technology without impacting fuel economy and as a direct Contributor through formulating changes which maximise fuel economy. Both of these roles are interlinked and ensuring the right balance of components (additive chemistry, viscosity modifier and base oils) are selected and tailored for each application will be essential to achieve optimum fuel economy improvement.
Synthetic transmission fluids
Transmission fluid is as equally important to the transmission as motor oil is to the engine. Transmission fluid effects on equipment mileage much in the same way as described in the motor oil section. Switching to synthetic transmission fluid can further reduce friction in the transmission, increasing the amount of energy that is transferred to the wheels of the vehicle, thus increasing mileage.
Synthetic transmission fluids have molecules of a smaller uniform size as compared with those of regular non-synthetic oils. This decreases friction and improves fuel economy. Gains of up to 2 per cent in fuel economy just by switching from conventional transmission fluid to synthetic blend.
Most synthetic transmission fluids also reduce the temperature of your operating transmission, an added bonus which can help to increase fuel economy by letting the transmission run more efficiently.
By switching over to a balanced package for transmission and differential in HCV a fuel economy of 3 per cent is achievable.
Better protection for equipment
Jayanta Ray, General Manager – Industrial and OEM, GS Caltex India Pvt Ltd, says, “Major role lubricants play in improving fuel economy and reducing cost of ownership is through providing better protection for equipment.”
Any lube oil consists of three main components: base oil, viscosity modifiers, and an additive package containing friction modifiers, detergents, inhibitors to protect copper parts, and emulsifier’s future to keep water droplets in suspension.
Viscosity modifiers improve the flow at low temperatures and provide increased viscosity at higher temperatures. A well designed formulation with balance of all components is the key to provide right performance as all these components compete against each other and too much of one will affect the others.
He adds, “To meet stricter emission norms in future OEMs would require the use of EGR and SCR technologies, and possibly a DPF, depending on the approach. On the fuel economy side OEMs may need to review all engine systems to reduce consumption. This could include higher pressure fuel injectors, the addition of boosting systems, high-efficiency SCR and combustion technology, as well as downsizing the engine itself. A good quality lubricants could satisfy and support these testing conditions required to be met by the OEMs.”
NOx, PM and CO2 emissions are major concerns in India
Praveen Nagpal, Cluster Technical Manager, Shell Lubricants India, says, “Fuel cost is a high proportion of a fleet trucking operation. In addition to fuel costs, NOx, PM and CO2 emissions are major concerns in India. All these factors are leading to increased interest in improved fuel economy in the HCV industry. “
He adds, “The lubricant used in the truck has a definite influence on fuel consumption, but this effect is not always easy to measure because there are many other variables such as weather, driver behaviour, truck operating conditions that influence fuel consumption. The effectiveness of lubricant in achieving fuel economy can be measured in a controlled bench testor by carrying a statistically designed fleet trial with many paired trucks.”
The approaches to achieve fuel efficiency in heavy duty trucks are slightly different compared to passenger cars as hardware and operating conditions are different.
The frictional losses in valve train are very low compared to car engines, and it has been observed that viscosity has a direct correlation with increase in fuel economy in heavy duty engines.
Nagpal says, “Now the question is – up to what extent one can go in reducing engine oil viscosity without impacting durability. It would not be correct to assume that all low viscosity oils will give fuel economy and longer oil drain interval regardless of technology used to formulate the lubricant. The answer lies in the correct blend of performance additives and high-quality base oils.
Fuel economy benefits derived from lubricants are apparent, especially in pickup and delivery or other applications where the engine doesn’t always reach operating temperature, or there are a lot of cold starts.
Manual transmission and rear axle technology
Current manual transmission and rear axle technology has vastly improved the performance capabilities of heavy-duty commercial vehicles in terms of load, torque, speed and control, through innovative designs and technological advancements. These designs urge further advancements in lubricant technologies. Higher levels of performance, increased productivity and reduced operating costs resulting from enhanced fuel economy are assisted by the use of the correct lubricant. Friction control, wear protection, thermal stability, shear stability, rust and corrosion prevention and seal protection are additional lubrication features that must be optimally balanced.
Shell Lubricants offers a range of formulated products that provide a high level of protection, and improved fuel efficiency to HVCs. This results in reduced maintenance costs, repairs and overall downtime.
Reducing emissions and fuel consumption
Spokesperson from MAN Trucks India, states, “The need to increase the fuel efficiency in HCVs is driven by a number of factors including reducing emissions, lowering operating costs and reducing fuel consumption.”
He adds, “Lubricants play a very important role in achieving fuel economy in CVs as they impart high performance to the vehicles, increase the oil drain intervals (reduced oil consumption) and are compatible with exhaust after treatment systems.”
Longer oil drain intervals have a smaller environment footprint and are considered to be cost effective.
Unlike a new engine, the lubricating oil is a dominant contributor to particulate matter (PM) emissions in aged engines.
Stringent emission norms imposed by the government has resulted in the growth of lubricants market in India and globally.
Latest lubricants for HCVs
Selecting best base oils for the desired application
Apar have entire range of lubricants available for heavy commercial vehicles both in conventional and high-end segment which impart the following benefits: extended drain intervals, enhanced equipment life, improved fuel economy and excellent anti-shudder performance for transmissions.
Company’s entire ranges of engine oils are approved and certified by API and Volvo under VDS3 and VDS4 specifications. Ganjoo informs, “We blend our entire range of engine oils with group II+ /III base stocks. Our expertise in selection of the best base oils for the desired application with excellent friction characteristics, traction coefficient, shear stability, oxidation stability and advanced additive package with better soot handling capability, excellent TBN retention reduces piston deposits to the tune of 30 per cent and excellent cooling rate helps to enhance fuel economy.”
Synthetic Blend SAE 10W-40
They have designed a synthetic blend product in SAE 10W40 under CI4 plus category best suited to Indian conditions to boost the fuel economy. They also have entire range of transmission fluids for on highway and off highway applications approved by Allison transmissions fortified with selective additives for friction reduction. He adds, “Our transmission oils are fortified with advanced friction modifier additives to combat various losses in transmission for better fuel economy and also help for smooth gear shifting.”
GS Caltex – KIXX Engine Oils
Ray from GS Caltex India, informs, “The high performance lubricants from GS Caltex offers ultimate reliability at all temperatures, lower oil consumption, significantly lower fuel consumption and specifically extended service intervals.”
Ray feels whenever engines run freer and more reliably, operating costs are lower if only because they consume less. And just 1 per cent lower fuel consumption means, depending on operating conditions, fuel savings of several hundred rupees per vehicle and year.
He adds, “To bring down reductions on green house gas emissions and improvements on fuel economy averages use of ULSD (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel) will become a norm soon. The combination of these mandates led to market changes to use API CJ4 category of lubricants. GS Caltex has already launched a Super Premium Quality Diesel Engine Oil called Kixx DX Euro 15W-40 for off-highway and CV applications which require an API CJ-4 service category. Product categories meeting API CK4 and API FA4 standards are also ready for launch and will be in market as India moves to stricter emission norms.”
Rimula Heavy Duty Engine Oils
The Shell Lubricants product portfolio has been majorly developed to overcome a varied set of challenges faced by trucks. The company offer solutions that can help vehicles accelerate operational efficiency. Nagpal informs, “With the objective of delivering a longer life, Shell Lubricants products provide acid protection, deposit protection and wear control to heavy commercial vehicles. Shell Lubricants’ range of Rimula Heavy Duty Engine Oils offer adaptive technology, providing outstanding wear protection with reduced viscosity for an improved fuel economy.”
Shell Rimula T5E 10W-30
Shell Rimula’s product range includes Shell Rimula T5 E 10W-30, API CI4 plus oil that offer an average fuel economy of more than 3 per cent benefits to customers. In the Indian construction segment, fuel accounts for major operating cost, often more than 50 per cent. Shell Rimula T5E 10W-30 is introduced after severe and exhaustive testing in Indian conditions. Nagpal adds, “This product contains our tailor-made base oil which is made from Shell patented GTL (Gas to Liquid) technology. The product has demonstrated its performance in different OEM Excavators. The experiences generated in field clearly show the added value to our customers resulting from improved FE with this product.”
MAN Genuine Oil
Spokesperson from MAN Trucks India, states, “As part of our aftersales services, we have MAN Genuine Oil which rounds off the quality package offered by MAN.”
He adds, “These oils have been rigorously tested on MAN vehicles and they provide superior protection for engines, transmissions, drive axles and transfer cases against wear and tear and the build-up of deposits, enhancing efficiency of the vehicles and lowering the overall cost of operations.
By using dedicated lubricants for engine or transmission and differential a minimum fuel economy of 3 per cent is achievable which can be further improved if replaced with latest technology lubricants.
Sandeep Ganjoo, Assistant General Manager- Business Development, Apar Industries Ltd
Shell Lubricants’ range of Rimula Heavy Duty Engine Oils offer adaptive technology, providing outstanding wear protection with reduced viscosity for an improved fuel economy.
Praveen Nagpal, Cluster Technical Manager, Shell Lubricants India
The high performance lubricants from GS Caltex offers ultimate reliability at all temperatures, lower oil consumption, significantly lower fuel consumption and specifically extended service intervals.
Jayanta Ray, General Manager – Industrial and OEM, GS Caltex India Pvt Ltd
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