Ador presents KINGBOND: a value for money product
By Edit Team | July 28, 2014 9:24 am SHARE

Ador Welding Ltd. understands the applications demanding various requirements and combines such conflicting requirements into one single electrode to come up with KINGBOND
Ador Welding Limited provides service to Indian industry as well as the global market with the range of welding consumables and equipment. The company takes care of customer satisfaction via its state-of-the-art manufacturing plants and its comprehensive sales and distribution network.
Most of the traditional electrodes available are meant for specific applications. However, there is the need to choose correct type of electrodes depending on the application. Some examples are:
• If welding with AC power source is good, then there is no low OCV performance
• When good weld bead finish is obtained, then smooth vertical down welding cannot be done
• When there is welder’s appeal, then there is no weld toughness
• If there is good slag detachability, then the spatter loss is high.
Hence, keeping in the mind the need to combine many of the above conflicting requirements into one single electrode, Adore has designed its new product ‘KINGBOND – King of E 6013 Electrodes’, as they call.
Special features
Kingbond can be operated on AC, DCEP, DCEN i.e. on transformer, rectifier and generator. It can also be operated at voltage as low as 55 V OCV, hence even local transformers can be used. With very smooth arc, the metal transfer across the arc is smooth. This results in least spatter – more deposit and less work to remove spatter, thus higher value for money.
Due to soft arc, poor fit up of edges can be easily managed even in light sheet metals without any defects like burn through, undercuts etc. As the arc is very stable, the skill required for the welder is low. Fast freezing slag enables easy vertical down welding. The cup depth is less compared to most of the electrodes in this class and this makes the arc re-striking much easier by short circuit mode. This also makes repeated welding of small beads or spot welds easier.
It has good self peeling slag and less trouble with de-slagging resulting in higher productivity and better quality weld. The weld bead obtained is fine rippled and smooth and does not require an extra surface dressing. It is a low fume emitting electrode. The coating is designed to take higher currents without electrode losing its properties, even with higher currents, welding can be done till the end of the electrode, without any weld defects. The result is a weld which passes X ray test and gets a weld metal with toughness even at 0 C.
Quality and applications
The high quality of Kingbond is approved and certified by BIS with IS 814 – ER4211X classification. The application areas involve general fabrication of mild structural steels like IS 2062, 226, ASTM SA 283 etc., light construction works, storage tanks, shipbuilding, sheet metal work, furniture, automobile bodies, pipes, machine frames, truck bodies, construction equipment and railway coach panels.
Kingbond electrodes can be used with any welding equipment, using welder of any skill level, in any welding position and in any application involving C-Mn steel of 25mm (max) thickness to deposit welds that meets radiographic quality and toughness up to 0 C.
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