Bringing waterproofing solutions that work
By Edit Team | May 18, 2016 7:10 am SHARE

Krystol technology is the only crystalline technology that is hydrophilic and a true PRAH, claims Anandita Kakkar, DGM – Marketing & Advertising, Kryton Buildmat Co Pvt Ltd. Here, apart from discussing on the company’s offerings and future plans, she also explains the 5 major benefits of Krystol concrete waterproofing.
How unique is the crystalline concrete waterproofing membranes technology?
The crystalline waterproofing is different from any other waterproofing technology in a simple way – where other systems work as outside protection barrier and resist water, crystalline technology makes the entire concrete structure water resistant from the inside. In this system, a cementitous product is added to the concrete in form of admixture or coating, when in presence of water and unhydrated cement, the crystallisation process starts creating crystals that block small voids and gaps, creating a barrier for water to seep in to.
While defining PRAH (Permeability Reducing Admixture for Hydrostatic) and PRAN (Permeability-Reducing Admixture for Non-hydrostatic), the American Concrete Institute’s guidelines ACI 212.3R-10 says that the Krystol technology is the only crystalline technology that is hydrophilic and a true PRAH.
Because of these hydrophilic and PRAH properties ours are the only products where the crystals are not consumed all at once like in the case of hydrophobic materials as specified in the same ACI document. The chemical involved needs unhydrated cement and water to react and so with this technology crystals stay dormant for as long as there is concrete in the structure and then when there is ingress of water, these crystals travel towards the water and block all the porosity and bridge cracks of up to 0.5 mm.
Kryton’s Krystol concrete waterproofing technology has become a revolution in the construction industry. Could you explain at least 5 benefits of Krystol concrete waterproofing?
Kryton Buildmat, also known as Kryton India, has always been at the forefront of giving solutions that work. The company has worked for over 20 years to change the way structures are created in India. Our award-winning Krystol technology has been used across the world for over 40 years and in India for 20 years. It is a unique technology which is extremely simple in application when used with the right materials. The technology has numerous benefits. Top five benefits that differentiate the Krystol technology against competition are as follows:
1. The innovator of the admixture Kryton’s KIM is a waterproofing admixture that gives a cohesive concrete with controlled bleeding to avoid continuous pores.
2. These crystals reactivate during wet concrete and if any cracks of up to 0.5 mm develop in the structure the crystals bridge the cracks and keep the structure watertight.
3. Can take head pressure of up to 140 metres.
4. Our superior repair system can be used from both the negative and positive side. In fact, our products can be used in slightly damp conditions which is a huge advantage in repair jobs such as dams and tunnels.
5. Our Krystol technology does not have any ingredients that are hazardous to health. They are NSF certified and can be used even for drinking water tanks.
How do you see their acceptance in India?
Kryton India was the first company to produce such high quality products in India and this has made us a highly sought after waterproofing solution provider. When Kryton started working in the Indian construction industry, the acceptance level was low. Waterproofing was not given its due importance and it used to be delegated to whoever was doing other civil work.
Kryton India invested in the education of the industry and worked towards supplying solutions to waterproofing problems that had existed for decades. The company took projects which had been signed-off as impossible and gave complete solutions that have kept those structures dusty dry till date. With the results in hand, Kryton India has been opening up the market for 20 years and has led the way in educating and building trust in the crystalline waterproofing systems.
Today sites across India and the sub-continent work on our specifications and ask for Kryton products by name. Over the years Kryton India has grown in terms of market share and business and has created a niche for itself where technocrats depend on its solutions. We are the only crystalline company in India to have BIS certification and our products are recommended by CPWD and EIL.
How big is the market for waterproofing solutions in India? What is your market share?
The total waterproofing market in India is between ` 650-700 crore. A majority of the market still sees heavy influence of traditional waterproofing like PU membranes and brick bat coba. However, crystalline waterproofing is slowly making a dent and has grown substantially over the past 15 years. The entire crystalline market stands at 10 per cent of the waterproofing market and is seeing a growth of up to 10 per cent in value every year.
Are you going to introduce any new product?
Kryton India has always strived to stay ahead of the competition and understand the pulse of the market. Over 20 years we have introduced to the market products that have changed the way the industry waterproofs. Over the next 5 years Kryton India is planning to launch a number of products that will fill a need-gap in the market.
For this year, we are already in the testing and sampling stage for our two-step leak repair system. Krystol T1 and T2 is a two-step, brush-applied system that prevents water intrusion, repairs cracking and maintains existing concrete structures. T1 seals the concrete against permeating water and T2 protects the surface of the structure from moisture. Once applied, the chemicals are absorbed into the concrete creating a strong barrier to water.
This system is already a success internationally and is being customised according to the Indian site requirements.
Over the years Kryton India has grown in terms of market share and business and has created a niche for itself where technocrats depend on its solutions.
Anandita Kakkar, DGM – Marketing & Advertising, Kryton Buildmat
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