CleanMaxx for effective wastewater treatment
By Edit Team | November 24, 2017 10:48 am SHARE

Organica Biotech is an environment biotech company working extensively in the realms of wastewater treatment, sanitation, agriculture and aquaculture. According to a survey conducted by OMICS International, the company is named among top 20 Environment Biotech Companies in the world.
Industrial development shapes the economic development of communities. However, one of the common problems experienced in an ill-functioning waste water treatment plant is the settling of the biological sludge in the secondary clarifier. Sludge Bulking is primarily due to conditions like low dissolved oxygen, nutrition deficiency, etc. that leads to growth of filamentous microorganisms and causes poor settling of biomass. Filamentous microorganisms although a natural part of the biomass in wastewater treatment plants, can lead to serious problems in the plant if present in excess. It causes the sludge to bulk in the secondary clarifier and subsequent increased suspended solids levels in the effluent. Furthermore, because of this increased suspended solid concentration in the effluent, floc forming biomass is lost from the system as it is no longer recycled. The biological unit used to frequently get upset which resulted in exceeding pollution parameters in the outlet treated water. Many traditional treatment methods rely on adding flocculants to increase the settlement of the sludge or chlorination of the sludge to kill the filamentous and other microorganisms in the treatment plant in the hope to get rid of the problem. However to no avail.
Excessive development of filamentous microbes is often caused by the nature of the influent. Hence using chemical treatments to solve this issue can provide only temporary relief. The presence of available substrate like fatty acids, sugars and carbohydrates as food for growth of the microbes determines their presence. Therefore under conditions favourable to the microbes, sludge bulking will reoccur.
However, using microbial technology can help solve this concern. Specific and superior microbes that can effectively degrade pollutants in waste water can help eliminate unwanted microbes from the system. Considering the benefits of this technology, Organica Biotech Pvt Ltd has developed a line of specialised product, CleanMaxx for effective wastewater treatment.
CleanMaxx, a product developed to solve the purpose. CleanMaxx not only contains the right bacteria and enzyme concentrations to enhance the entire process but, also is used in normal conditions to maintain the balance of the system and re-establish systems having experienced upsets.
Effective biodegradation of intricate compounds in to simple compounds imparts several benefits to the wastewater treatment process, including reduction in COD levels and alleviation of hazardous and recalcitrant components from the system. The microbes used in Clean Maxx are conferred with GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status and facilitate the recycling of “grey” water. The varied nature of these microbes reduce start up times after commissioning and enable effective handling of shock loads. These products perform in adverse environmental conditions. The products are crafted processes like activated sludge process, anaerobic reactors, extended aeration, attached growth, MBR, SBR, MMBR, Bio Trickling Filters, RBC, UASB, Bio filters, etc.
Commissioning the biological system with the correct bacteria at the proper concentration can ensure that these beneficial and robust microbes can proliferate in the system abundantly and exclude out the unwanted microbes. Such a specific consortium of beneficial bacteria incorporates the right consortium of microorganisms, containing the necessary floc-forming bacteria (that secretes bio-polysaccharides), which help in solving concerns related to sludge bulking. Also, as compared with traditional treatment methods like the addition of chemicals, this approach is more economical and is a long-term solution that deals with the actual problem and prevents it from reoccurring.
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