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Control compression and crimping with Supreme e-lite PEX piping systems

By | November 18, 2022 3:03 pm SHARE

Control compression and crimping with Supreme e-lite PEX piping systems

The PEX-b pipes are unique and have higher burst pressure, impact resistance, temperature and pressure resistance with extended life besides the economy.

As a pioneer in introducing unique and advanced piping solutions for various applications, the Supreme is pleased to offer other advanced plumbing systems, i.e., e-lite PEX piping systems for hot and cold-water applications. Elite advanced plumbing systems are designed to meet premium project requirements like speedy execution, one-point control, reliable joints, long-term system performance, etc.

Manufactured using advanced materials and technology, these premium systems have excellent resistance to temperature and pressure.

These systems are endowed with many unique features, which makes them one of the most trustworthy systems. The pipes and fittings joints are made using proven compression and crimping jointing methods, which are considered to be the most efficient and user-friendly jointing techniques. Moreover, our commitment to an efficient production process, world-class raw materials, rigorous quality control, and unparalleled product design makes e-lite the most reliable system0 in the market. Besides plumbing, these systems are also suitable for compressed air, solar water heaters, radiant floor heating, fire suppression, etc.

Supreme e-lite PEX-b Pipes

PEX stands for Cross-linked polyethene. The Supreme e-lite piping system comprises PEX-b monolayer and multilayer pipes, brass compression and crimping-type fittings conforming to EN ISO 15875, ENISO 21003, and IAPMO IGC 306:2016 standards. This variant stands apart in terms of higher burst pressure, higher impact resistance, excellent temperature and pressure resistance, excellent chlorine and oxidative resistance, and long life besides the economy.

These pipes and fittings are available in 16-, 20-, 25-, and 32-mm sizes, along with the required tools and accessories to meet every installation requirement.

Supreme e-lite PEX Piping System_B2BPurchaseFeatures that make e-lite a world-class advanced system

Excellent temperature and pressure resistance: e-lite advanced plumbing systems are suitable for operating at temperatures up to 95°C at high pressures of up to 10 bars in a broad spectrum of applications.

Long-term reliable performance: The system offers long-term reliable performance due to the excellent material properties and unique mechanical joints that provide 100% water tightness.

Safe and ideal for potable water applications: Due to its mechanical joints, there is no need for solvent, chemical, or solder jointing, which nullifies the possibility of water contamination.

Easy and fast installation: The pipes are made available in the form of long coils, which helps reduce the number of joints. Due to its great flexibility, bendability at the point of change of direction, and press-fit crimping and compression joints, installing e-lite pipes is faster and easier than any rigid pipe.

Different installation methods: e-lite plumbing systems can be installed using various installation methods that serve distinct design advantages to meet customized applications or requirements.

Easy to repair and maintain: The pipe-in-pipe method allows easy repair by pulling out the damaged pipe without disturbing the expensive tiling and interior work.

Low on noise: These piping systems are significantly quieter than rigid ones. It is inherently less noisy due to its flexibility and ability to absorb pressure surges.

For more details, contact:

The Supreme Industries Limited

Website: www.supreme.co.in

Telephone: 022 40430000

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Toll-Free No: 1800 – 102 – 4707

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