Durotop caters in diverse division
By Edit Team | November 1, 2018 9:36 am SHARE

Durotop is one of the indigenous construction chemicals company with a global outlook. The company has a full-fledged manufacturing facility at Udupi, India. Translating potential into tangible results, Durotop have built an impressive portfolio of products that have crucial applications in the civil engineering industry. The name ‘Durotop’ evokes confidence for its quintessential qualities – strength, bonding, curing, sealing, hardening and finishing properties which are vital to a lasting construction.
Waterproofing products
Duroplast is a waterproofing or water reducing liquid admixture. It’s an ideal admixture for waterproofing all roof concrete and plaster, basement, water retaining structures, etc. Duroplast improves workability, has compressive strength, fills microscopic pores and eliminates leakage and dampness. The dosage of Duroplast is 150 ml for 50 kg bag of cement. It is available in different packages viz. 150 ml, 1 litre, 5 litres, 10 litres, 20 litres, 50 litres and 220 litres.
Duroproof is a waterproofing powder admixture. It is an admixture for waterproofing water retaining structures, water tank, basement, reservoir, etc for concrete and plaster. Duroproof improves cohesiveness of concrete, prevents segregation, reduces capillary pores and avoids leakage and dampness. The dosage of Duroproof is 1 kg for 50 kg bag of cement. It is available in different packages viz. 1 kg, 20 kg, 50 kg.
Durocrete-AMR is a single component acrylic polymer modified cementitious bonding and waterproof coating product. It is ideal for waterproofing RCC terraces, water tanks, bathroom sunken floors, swimming pools and can be used with cement paint to improve waterproofing quality and also for repair works. Durocrete-AMR forms hard, tough and abrasion resistant coating, bonds strongly to concrete, is unaffected by UV light and weathering, micro pores and allows breathing. Mix one part of Durocrete AMR with 2 parts of cement for both waterproofing and bond coat. 3-5 per cent water may be added for better brushable consistency. The coverage area is of 2.50 to 2.75 litres per sq.mt. of mix. It is available in 500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litres, 10 litres, 20 litres, 50 litres, 220 litres packages.
Durocem-WP is a single component cementitious waterproof slurry coating product. Its application areas are waterproofing RCC roofs and floors, balconies and non critical areas. Durocem-WP forms hard, tough and abrasion resistant waterproof coating for concrete and masonry structures, penetrates in to the capillary pores and seals them. Just add required quantity of water for brushable consistency. The coverage area is of 1 to 2 kg per sq.mt. It’s available in different packing viz; 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg.
Duroplast Super:
Duroplast Super is a water reducing plasticiser which is suitable for columns, beams, RCC slabs and all concrete works where there is congestion of reinforcement. It increases workability, compressive strength, cement saving without loss of strength. The dosage of Duroplast Super is 0.2 – 0.5 per cent by weight of cement. It is available in various packages viz. 5 litres, 10 litres, 20 litres, 50 litres, 220 litres.
Duroplast-SR is a normal super plasticiser which is used for producing higher grade concrete and high early strength concrete, especially for densely packed reinforcement, i.e. railway sleepers, girders, bridges, flyovers, etc. It has high workability and strength without increase in cement content and does not affect setting time of concrete. The dosage of Duroplast-SR is 0.4-1.2 per cent by weight of cement and is available in different packages i.e. 20 litres, 50 litres and 220 litres.
Duroplast-PC100 is a PCE based super plasticiser for high performance concrete. Its applications are self-compacting concrete, ready-mix concrete, pumped concrete, long distance transporting, piling concrete, for precast concrete industry, very high strength concrete. Advantages of Duroplast-PC100 are; it has high workability for longer periods, lower permeability, increased early and ultimate compressive strength, high level fluidity that can be poured and placed by gravity avoiding the need of vibration and reduced shrinkage and creep. The dosages are 0.6 to 1.5 per cent by weight of cement and it is available in various packages viz; 25 kg, 60 kg, 240 kg.
Duroplast-RTR is a retarding and water reducing plasticiser. The applications are cold joints are avoided where concrete lead time is large in high rise buildings, chimneys, offshore constructions, pile structures. Its benefits are retards initial setting time, extend workability, prevent cold joints. The dosage is 0.4 – 1.5 per cent by weight of cement and available in different packing i.e. 20 litres, 50 litres, 220 litres.
Repairing and rehabilitation bonding agents
Durobond-ALC is a polymer modified bonding agent. Its applications are bonding agent between cement mortar and concrete in plastering and general repair works. Durobond-ALC is an excellent bonding agent, with higher strength, easy to use and ideal for repair works. 1 litre Durobond–ALC when mixed with 2 kg of cement covers 80 sq.ft. as bond coat. It is available in 1 litre, 5 litres, 20 litres, 50 litres, 220 litres packages.
Durobond-LX is an SBR latex based bonding agent for repairing mortar and for production of polymer concrete. It is used for improving adhesion between cement mortar and concrete in patch repairs, plastering, screed concrete, etc. Durobond-LX increases bonding property and imparts higher flexibility. It is suitable as repair admixture. The dosage is 5 per cent to 20 per cent by weight of cement or depending upon application. It is available in 500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litres, 10 litres, 20 litres, 50 litres, 220 litres packages.
Durobond-EPX is an epoxy bonding adhesive for structural concrete. The application is low viscosity facilitates penetration into cracks or filling of cold joints, to be used as bonding for old and new concrete. Durobond-EPX is an excellent bonding strength which can be applied over dry or damp concrete surface. The coverage area is 2-2.5 sq.mt. per kg per coat depending upon surface condition. It is available in 1 kg (Part A+B) packages.
Repairing and rehabilitation grouts
Duroplug is a non-shrink, fast setting and hydraulic cementitious product. It is used for anchor bolts, stair case rails, doors, windows, foundation bolt fixing, crack filler and to stop leakage in concrete and masonry. Benefits of Duroplug are it crack filler and instant plugging compound. It is used in running water and also under water applications. The dosage is 200 ml of water for 1 kg of Duroplug.
It is available in 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg packages.
Durocrete-PC is a cementitious patching material which is ideal to fill blow holes in flooring, overcoming minor irregularities in floors and walls. Durocrete-PC has higher strength, harder than original floor concrete, high early strength and excellent bonding. Its dosage is 1 litre of water for 5 kg of Durocrete-PC. It is available in 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg.
Durogrout-HN is a non-shrink, high strength and free flow grout which is most suitable for grouting of engine, heavy duty machinery foundations, grouting for emergency repair and immediate installation. The benefit of Durogrout-HN is its non-shrink, free flow and high strength cementitious grout, ready to use powder, helps in quick installation, no rusting of reinforcement, good workability and pourability. The dosage is approx 3-3.5 litres of water required for 20 kg bag of Durogrout-HN. It is available in 20 kg, 40 kg packages.
For more details, visit www.durotop.in
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