Employer in the making
By Edit Team | March 20, 2017 8:30 am SHARE

Promtech Consultancy offers total assistance to the new generation business owners, especially those who are planning for the expansion of the SSI units. This is a unique business expansion offer for Tiny and SSI units. Pradeep Vaidya, CEO of Innovative Coating Industries explains answers to the FAQs that will be of great help for the new generation business owners.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Explain the basic motive of Promtech Consultancy in promoting new generation business owners and start up
During visits and seminar participations in Europe, America and the other advanced countries, it was observed that there is a very wide scope for entry of new generation youth in the manufacturing of simple to make and cold mixing products. All these products can be manufactured from 10 kgs to 500 kgs batch, within max 30 min, without power, no effluents and by using local raw materials. These chemicals are the most suited for any start-up unit to begin production and sales almost in a day.
Why does Promtech Consultancy suggest metal finishing chemicals and for which area?
Metal finishing chemicals are suitable for coating plants, paint shops, plating shops, ht plants,auto component and sheet metal component manufacturers. They are also beneficial for HVAC, MS,SS and GI fabricators. All these industries exist in each and every industrial city in India. Hence, there exists an abundant sales potential for these products.
Who can avail of this offer form Promtech Consultancy?
Each and every young graduate or every youth having a burning desire to be on their own, new generation business owners, Tiny or SSI units planning expansion, hardware dealers and all those who always wished to make a bright career can avail this offer.What are the salient features of the products for which Promtech Consultancy offers know-how and formulations?The metal pre-treatment chemicals, metal cleaners, anti-corrosion coatings, metallic finish paints, are all mostly cold mixing products and there is no need of power or any effluents. Also they are most simple to make.
What will be ideal business model for new start-up?
Young likeminded new generation business owners can form a single owner proprietary company or 2 or 3 class-mates, relatives, common childhood friends can join hands and form a partnership firm. It is always advisable to have two technocrats in any start-up venture. The production or government departments, taxations, purchase factory administration needs to be handled by a dedicated person. Marketing, sales, development of new buyers, booking of new orders and follow-up for new orders are the function be one partner, the marketing persons need to be versatile, multi featured, talkative, well versed with the subject and products, must know technical aspects, be very presentable, soft spoken, polite and receptive. All these are most essential qualities for maintaining a good p r effort in every business enterprise.
What are the major advantages for any Buyer from the supplies provided by local technocrats?
Most important saving will be up to 40 per cent. This essentially comes from s and avoiding the forwarding and freight, transit damages, local taxes, goods entry permit hassles for goods imported from other states, delays in supplies, transit damages, anxieties on delays, material collection and bearing the distant suppliers profit margins All these costs are increasing every day and eating up profits of the buyers firm.
What will be Max Initial Investment for PTP Products manufacturer?
A reasonably comfortable and achievable sales target for the first 3 to 6 months shall be Rs.50,000. This figure will take very good care of the technocrat and 1 or 2 workers. An initial total investment in RM and inventory shall be Rs.50,000.
What is the profit margin of these products and the ROI period ?
The pre-treatment chemicals offered by Promtech are most standardised formulations and are quite at par in quality with the major Indian players in the industry. These products have RMC (Raw Materials Cost) at around 30 to 45 per cent of the sales price.
Pradeep Vaidya, CEO,
Innovative Coating Industries,
Thane: B-7 / 701,Vedant Complex,
Vartak Nagar Naka,Thane (West) – 400 606
Mobile: +91-9820181738
Email: puvpromtech@gmail.com
Sonia Vaidya, Tech Mktg Executive,Thane
Tele: +91-22-25883265, 9819813015
Email: soniavaidya30@gmail.com
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