Hybrid & Iron Oxide Adsorbers
By Edit Team | November 13, 2017 9:56 am SHARE

Arsenic pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of drinking water contamination. You can’t taste it, you can’t smell it, but the toxic substance accumulates in the body. Some very high concentrations of arsenic occur in the groundwater in many regions. It is estimated that more than 100 million people worldwide drink water with an arsenic content higher than 50 micrograms per litre. Arsenic is a semi-metal that occurs in nature in the form of minerals. Under certain conditions, highly toxic arsenic compounds can be washed out of the stone and pass into groundwater. Numerous medical studies document the chronic illnesses suffered by people who drink water contaminated with arsenic for extended periods, including skin disorders and carcinomas. The hybrid adsorber Lewatit FO 36 and the iron oxide adsorber Bayoxide E 33 are specially designed to remove arsenic from drinking water and wastewater. The core of the Bayoxide system is a solid bed of iron oxide beads. They have finely structured surfaces that adsorb pollutants when contaminated water flows over them. The beads are very stable in water and do not breakdown. They consist of minute particles that can only be seen under a high-resolution electron microscope. Every gram of these particles has a surface area of around 150 square metres, i.e. the floor area of an entire apartment on one gram of material, and it is on this surface that the arsenic is selectively adsorbed. Bayoxide E 33 from LANXESS not only helps to treat drinking water. Other fields of application include wastewater treatment, example, in mining, or the treatment of contaminated groundwater in the vicinity of abandoned industrial plants.
LANXESS India Pvt Ltd
LANXESS House, Plot No: A 162-164,
Road No: 27, MIDC, Wagle Estate
Thane (W), Maharashtra 400 604
Tele: +91-22-25871000
E-mail: s.prakash@lanxess.com
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