By Edit Team | December 31, 2009 7:51 am SHARE
Kalyan Industries
Kironite Floor Hardener
Kironite Floor Hardener is an ideal and economical for heavy and light duty industrial floorings, workshops and so many other places where heavy movement of vehicles and goods take place.
It is utilised with cement and aggregate to form a top layer of required thickness on a concrete floor. It helps in reducing recurring expenses due to strong resistance to heavy trucking. There is no effect on setting time of cement. It is dust proof waterproof, oil and grease proof as also easily washable.
It is essential to spend slightly more on this item than that of regular concrete flooring as it is more advantageous to enhance the durability of the flooring and to decrease its recurring expenses.
Our Products are economical, ideal & well established in industrial world according to our respected customers who have utilised the products repeatedly & Satisfactory.
Applicability- List of surfaces
Railway platforms, workshops, factory sheds, Loco sheds , Goods yard platforms, Machine Shops, Heavy cash box rooms, Laboratories, Tool rooms, Foundry floors, Concrete Roads, Compressors rooms, Boiler room, strong room, carriages, pumping stations, Godowns & Warehouses, concrete Bridges, Long open culverts, R.C.C. Slabs, Basement rooms, computer rooms and so many other floors where heavy movement takes place.
Salient Features
• Metallic Floor hardener for better abrasion resistance of concrete floor.
• Dust proof, water proof, oil & grease proof & as also easily washable.
• Reduces recurring expenses due to strong resistance to heavy movement of vehicles & good traffic.
• Ideal & Economical for heavy & light duty industrial flooring.
• For perfect protection, durability & Secured safety of flooring.
• Totally treated material never get rusted.
Head Office : P. B. No. 25,
Velchand Building, Behind Danapith,
Bhavnagar-364 001. [India]
Tel: +91-278-2426521/2420825
Fax: +91 -278-2421004, Cable : VIMAL,
E-mail: kalyaninad1@sancharnet.in
Mumbai Office: Qassim Cottage No.-1,
Dadoji Konddev Marg,
Byculla [East],
Mumbai-400 027. [India]
Tel: +91-22-23723729
E-mail: kalyanindustries@vsnl.net
Visit us at: www.kironite.com
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