Payment default raises grave concerns
By Edit Team | November 3, 2016 12:51 pm SHARE

It is the experience of all the marketers that the payments are defaulted very frequently in this industry and is posing challenges in managing the supply chain.
Talrak Construction Chemicals Pvt Ltd are a young company in the area of construction chemicals. Within just two years of its inception, Talrak is growing at a pace. We had an interaction with M N Ramesh, Director, Talrak Construction Chemicals Pvt Ltd about Talrak, procurement related issues and about the future of construction chemical industry.
Range of products for the industry
Talrak caters the need of civil engineering and infrastructure project requirements. “As far as chemical industry is concerned we specially offer solutions in terms of protecting reinforced concrete against corrosion of reinforcing steel and deterioration of concrete by chemical attack and these are in addition to the other products in our portfolio such as chemical admixtures for concrete, grouts and anchors, waterproofing and more, “ said Ramesh.
Why Talrak?
Ramesh feels that the standard products offered by Talrak along with the customised products as per the requirement of the industry gives them an upper hand than the others. “We ensure that there is consistency in quality of the products supplied by us by meticulously monitoring of quality of raw materials and finished products at different stages of manufacturing process. The finished products are tested for the desired performance and compared with those specified by the customers,” he explained.
Innovations in the industry
As per Ramesh, the sustainability in the Indian construction industry is demanding products with low greenhouse effects and carbon foot prints. Hence, a radical shift in the design and formulations of the construction chemicals has become inevitable. “The innovations in terms of recycling of products and systems that are used in construction are of late taking place. This has paved way for the use of CD waste (construction and demolition wastes) and the construction chemicals should be suitable and compatible to be used with these constituent materials of construction,” Ramesh says.
Procurement Practices and Payment concerns
Ramesh feels that it is needless to say that the quality of the finial product is mainly depending on the quality of input materials. As a result the procurement practices of raw materials, packing materials etc. also play a very important role in terms of quality of finished products. Talking about the procurement practices at Talrak, he said, “Our procurement practices adopt Total Quality System in every department of operations, including procurement. It has been found that these systems add a very high value in the final product which is evidenced by minimum rejections.”
The credit period varies from project to project at Talrak. “It is the experience of all the marketers that the payments are defaulted very frequently in this industry and is posing challenges in managing the supply chain. The payments always have a chain effect, as our clients are not paid by their clients and so on. Although there is no standard credit period in the industry, nevertheless the money realisation will not take place before 30 days at least,” Ramesh explains.
Crossing obstacles
Breakdowns are a part and parcel of any field of operations such as procurement, production, technical etc. “One should be prepared to expect the unexpected. As we adopt the same system we have been able to tackle supply to many projects in such a way that our clients are not even aware that an exigency exists,” sums up Ramesh.
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