Sana Industries: Promoting innovation and engineering excellence
By Edit Team | May 16, 2018 3:12 pm SHARE

Sana Industries (India) was founded in the year 1992 at Delhi, with a vision to be the top in the industry and Indian markets. Its deep engineering experience helps in streamlining the production and design of the machines which are having the extended application. The expertise and proficiency of its in-house engineers and technical personnel, the company is able to ensure technological excellence in product range. Further, they stick to developing products in conformity with better standards while ensuring its business policies.
Sana Industries (India) encourages innovation and engineering excellence for empowering themselves to design and develop heavy-duty machines like Vacuum dewatering system, Vibratory earth compactor and Power trowel with cost-effective and performance-driven technologies offering great flexibility for fitting into the realm of varied application and operational safety as well as environment-friendliness. Vacuum dewatering system the optimum removal of additional amount of water from the bed and surface of the solid particulate, the company has brought about visionary strategy that not only becomes instrumental in company’s growth but also allows making the foothold in the market places.
With well-equipped production and engineering arrangement and expertise enable them to custom-make the fine quality of Vacuum dewatering system in client’s desirable configurations that symbolises functional features. Sana Industries (India) is authorised dealer of floor hardener, flooring product, construction chemicals and supplier of concrete cutter blade.
Manufacturer of:
• Vacuum dewatering system
• Asphalt or groove cutter machine (various sizes)
• Vibratory earth compactor
• Earth plate compactor machine (various sizes)
• Bar bending machine (bending up 8 to 42 mm)
• Bar cutting machine (cutting up 8 mm to 42 mm)
• Vibratory plate earth compactor
• Double beam screed board vibrator
• Vacuum pump
• Power floater
• Power trowel.
Authorised dealer of:
• Floor hardener
• Flooring product
• Construction chemicals.
Supplier of:
Concrete cutter blade.
Market presence
The company has been serving clients all over India. Today it is mainly based in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttaranchal, and West Bengal.
Sana Industries (India)
109-110, 1st Floor,
Syndicate House, Bldg. No. 3,Old Rohtak Road, Inderlokm, Delhi – 110035.
Tele: +91-11-65904281 / 82, 23120365; +91-11-47185005
Mob: +91-9811328586, 9891007002
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