ShaliSeal RSTC to revolutionise Indian roads
By Edit Team | November 14, 2017 5:42 am SHARE

Time has come where we need to use a water resistant sealer in roads, the answer is ShaliSeal RSTC from STP Ltd, this is a product set to revolutionised the Indian roads.
Hasan Rizvi,
Sr. Vice President, STP Ltd
In India the condition of most of the roads is pathetical, especially during the monsoon. The reason is simple; water entering the roads is the main cause of damage. The life of the roads can be increased by providing proper side drains and water resistant top layer. STP Ltd is one of the oldest companies associated with waterproofing. “Over the years STP Ltd has developed special ShaliSeal RSTC, which is a coal tar based sealer and almost unaffected by water. This product has been tried in small patched and has given incredible results,” says Hasan Rizvi, Sr. Vice President, STP Ltd.
All set to revolutionise the Indian roads
Bitumen has been used as a paving material since 18th century. It deteriorates under sun’s ultraviolet rays, gets dissolved by petrochemicals, attacked by chemicals, deicing salts etc. Presently bitumen based fog sealer are used in India. Bitumen gets deteriorated by water. “Time has come where we need to use a water resistant sealer in roads, the answer is ShaliSeal RSTC from STP Ltd, this is a product set to revolutionised the Indian roads,” says Rizvi.
ShaliSeal RSTC’s important highlights
• Top coat road slurry for enhancing road life by preventing water ingress.
• This is a refined coal tar based emulsion, designed to protect asphalt pavement.
• Resists ultra violet radiation.
• Resists fuel impregnation.
• Reduces aging of asphalt reduce maintenance.
Hasan further states the difference between coal tar and bitumen
• Coal tar is an aromatic product, Bitumen is an aliphatic product.
• Coal tar is more durable and more effective than bitumen
• Coal tar is more resistant to petrol, kerosene and diesel, while bitumen is dissolved completely in the above solvents.
• Coal tar has better gas resistance properties than bitumen.
• Coal tar has better scrub resistance properties than bitumen.
• Water re-absorption property of coal tar is less than bitumen.
• Coal tars, in some respects, are similar to asphalts, but they are more temperature susceptible than asphalts
• Coal tar is petroleum and water resistant
• Coal tar is less permeable, provide a better seal and particularly have good resistance to fuel spillage.
Application areas
The potential application areas are flexible pavements or roads, especially for roads in high rainfall areas and bridges. This technology is a preventive maintenance technology to extend the life of roads. The technology of ShaliSeal RSTC is in the initial stage of introduction in the Indian market.
Test Coal Tar Emulsion ShaliSeal RSTC Asphalt Emulsion
Gas Resistance Pass Failure
Motor Oil Resistance Pass Failure
Kerosene Resistance Pass Failure
Scrub Resistance (Durability test) 4000 cycles 2400 cycles
Water re-absorption 1.0% 3.2%
OSHA Emission testing Pass Pass
Odour Some None
Colour retention Pass Fades
Flexibility Pass Pass
Drying time Pass Pass
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