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“Simple to apply and customised waterproofing in demand”

By | December 14, 2015 10:22 am SHARE

B2B Purchase


India has seen a great evolution in the construction methodology especially over the last 20 years. With the entry of global players in contracting, architecture and consultancy we have seen an advent of global specifications like never before. This has led to waterproofing specifications that are more demanding in terms of performance and durability. Ajay Kudesia, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Kryton Buildmat speaks on procurement strategies of waterproofing materials.

Growing importance of waterproofing
Water plays a major role in the damage caused to the building. This fact was hardly given due importance causing massive problems for the construction industry. Today waterproofing is given the priority it deserves and is seen as a major need in the construction industry from a customer’s point of view. Speaking on the current trends in procurement of waterproofing, Kudesia said, “Project developers and owners are opting for effective and advanced waterproofing products and solutions to avoid higher cost of repairs or rehabilitation. Eco-friendly materials are being specified and it is up to the manufacturers providing the waterproofing products and systems to meet the minimum norms of environment, health and safety.”

With increase in demand for effective and quality products, it has led to innovative solutions such as crystalline waterproofing. The crystalline waterproofing system used in concrete, makes it dense and pore free with the self-seal crack capability result in impermeable concrete.

“While various players in the industry may have differing views on waterproofing and the need for it, at Kryton we see waterproofing as a means to increase the life of a building, thus reducing the overall cost and providing value for money,” Kudesia adds.

Major buying factors
Buying a waterproofing solution is different from buying the right kind of waterproofing solution and that involves the understanding of the project and the unique need of the jobsite. According to Kudesia, a very important factor one must always keep in mind while deciding on a waterproofing solution is the life-cycle price of the solution and its long lasting effects on the structure.

He also highlights some of the major factors buyer should consider before making decision of buying a waterproofing solution:
• Performance:
 The most important decision in buying is performance. The product must be capable of doing the job that it’s intended to do. Spending less money on product that does not do the job does not save money. In fact, it is a waste of money. Better performance will normally offset a higher price by providing other benefits such as reliability and longer life.
• Time: Product that save time are nearly always worth more than products that do not. Waiting for an old style waterproofing installation can put the project behind the competition. There will be increased site cost, prolonged project financing and probably delay in the realisation of revenue from the project. Just as it is important to consider the final delivered or installed cost of any product, it’s essential to calculate the cost of waiting for the installation to be completed.
• Service and support: Do not overlook the value received from a quality manufacturer who provides good service and technical support. There is an enormous difference between simply making concrete less permeable and actually building a completely waterproof concrete structure. Concrete structures are extremely complex assemblies of concrete and steel with varying degrees of consolidation, numerous joints, penetrations and cracks. Making such structures water tight in the face of high hydrostatic pressure takes a high degree of skill, knowledge and experience.
• Trust: Most people will buy from someone they trust. On the other hand, if one is not sure of getting what he is paying for, then a purchase is not a good deal no matter how low the price. Trust touches on each of the factors mentioned above. Choose a reputable manufacturer that is open and forthcoming with independent proof of their performance claims and trust that manufacturer will be there to stand behind their product warranty. Choose a manufacturer that has projects that have already outlived their warranty period. Trust a manufacturer who has the knowledge and experience to help build a waterproof structure and has a dedicated staff of technical support people.

Cost effective alternative
There are many methods available to waterproof concrete today. One approach gaining acceptance involves a unique crystalline technology. Integral crystalline waterproofing can provide a permanent, cost effective alternative to conventional waterproofing methods. While conventional concrete waterproofing involves applying a coating or membrane to the concrete surface; integral crystalline waterproofing permanently seals concrete by plugging its natural pores and capillaries and preventing the movement of water through the concrete. When new cracks form and water entering through these cracks reacts with the dormant chemicals, causing new crystals to form and grow to block the cracks and stop the water. Its ability to self-seal is one of integral crystalline technology’s most unique and useful features.

Apart from its self-sealing properties, integral crystalline waterproofing can offer other advantages. For best results, conventional membranes must be applied to the positive side of a leaking concrete structure that is, the side of the source of the water. In many applications, such as blindsided foundation walls, elevator pits, and existing basements with exterior landscaping, access to the positive side is impractical or impossible. “As crystalline waterproofing permeates and becomes part of the concrete, it can be applied to either side of the structure,” informed Kudesia.

Another key advantage of crystalline waterproofing is that it is immune to damage. Membrane systems can fail if they are scraped, punctured, or torn. As crystalline waterproofing acts inside the concrete, the surface coating is not vital. The majority of active crystalline chemicals migrate into the concrete within the first 28 days, meaning the surface applied slurry can be completely removed from the surface after this time with little effect. Integral crystalline waterproofing is also permanent. “While membranes can deteriorate over time, integral crystalline waterproofing chemicals remain inside the concrete, offering waterproofing and self-sealing abilities for the life of the structure,” said Kudesia.

Moving towards advanced waterproofing systems
The Indian construction industry is moving towards the advanced waterproofing systems and understands the importance of taking of the right waterproofing system. Kudesia says, “Indian construction industry has come a long way since we started operations in India 20 years ago. The industry is seeing a major shift towards using premium products more widely in even low risk projects. Selection is being made keeping performance as the key decision maker and the industry is also asking for trained professionals to apply. Every builder today is looking for an effective waterproofing system which is simple to apply and is customised to his needs.”

Involvement of the architect or the structural engineer in selection of a system has become a standard. However, Kudesia believes, there is a need for the architects and the structural designers to understand the various systems available and specify them clearly and in sufficient detail, taking into consideration the service conditions of the structure. “For contractors it is important to have the right supervision at the jobsite to ensure the work being carried out is as per the manufacturers’ specifications,” he adds.

Why Kryton?
Kryton Buildmat is one of the first crystalline manufacturers in India and till date it claims to be the only crystalline waterproofing company that produces and sells products with BIS trademark. The company has over 20 years of experience in India and the Indian sub-continent and understands the need of the industry.

Answering to a query on why a buyer should go for waterproofing offered by Kryton Buildmat, Kudesia said, “Our technology has been most widely accepted, not just in India but across the globe. It is the only true PRAN (Permeability-Reducing Admixture for Non-hydrostatic) as defined by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Our crystalline system keeps concrete watertight for the life of the structure, shortens construction schedule and cuts waterproofing costs. The product is green, environment friendly and can be used in any kind of water structure, even potable. These are just the few reasons how we stand out from competition. Our true test has always been in our capacity of giving a solution that works every time and that is our promise.”

Every builder today is looking for an effective waterproofing system which is simple to apply and is customised to his needs.

Ajay Kudesia, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Kryton Buildmat

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