To the successful waterproofing
By Edit Team | July 27, 2015 12:57 pm SHARE

A guide to resolve Indian waterproofing issues
Waterproofing is an important activity in the construction of a R.C.C. frame work building which is used for residential or commercial purposes. It remained neglected for long for various reasons like unavailability of quality products, information on sources of damages, actions of environment in depth, methods to control them, effects of faulty designs etc.
Now the time has changed. Waterproofing is a universal problem and lot of research work is going on around the globe. New information, products and methods to use them are coming in every day. The field which was considered insignificant at one time has evoked tremendous interest. A thought at micro-level is evolving conceptual changes in the field. The products and methods of waterproofing like never before are available today and once believed impossible is now reachable at hands distance.
Still the knowledge in the field is not fully disseminated and has not even reached to the professionals. Such book is a requirement of the time, but almost all of them come from foreign countries and do not become that much relevant to the Indian conditions. Lots of myths, misconceptions and wrong practices continue to prevail and these books do not provide solutions to such problems. The cost of these books is also a factor for the consideration. Hence the striking results are not seen.
This fact deliberated to write a book “To the successful waterproofing”. The book is targeted mainly to the two sections of the society. One section is professionals like architects, engineers and contractors whereas the other section is the office bearers in the housing societies who are decision makers and members of the general public who are decision influencers. Information in the book in certain areas may seem absolutely of basic level, but it was inevitable to achieve the balance between the two ways of thinking. Unless the client is convinced the professional may not be in a position to execute his work in its totality however good it may appear to be. The main intention of the book is to remove some of the myths and wrong practices, to let know the concept of the waterproofing and not to be contented with old ideas but to invoke desire to know more things happening in the field.
The book severely criticises the practice of “brick bat coba” method used in waterproofing. It states the said method is not a waterproofing system but does permanent damages to the structure whereby it cannot be brought back to its original status. It gives details of alternative methods which can meet the purpose and provide effective performance.
The book discusses damaging effects of the installations of iron grills on windows and balcony openings. The unwanted load that it exerts on the structure and how it initiate its deterioration.
Radiation from mobile towers and its damaging effect on human body is commonly discussed, but rarely anybody talks about damages caused by indiscriminately constructed such bodies on a structure. The book points out certain mistakes carried out in the erection process of these towers and provides suggestions to overcome the problems. The information given can be of great help to designers and planners to bring over useful changes on the drawing board itself. It will rectify many of the shortcomings in such installations and will keep the structure at distance from water leakages.
Details on insurance cover available to the civil engineering industry is an important source of information for a budding contractor. His timely actions on the basis of given information will help him from many of the hardship that otherwise he may have to face. Maintenance of scaffolding, whether bamboo or steel, is one area which is taken for granted. Corrective measures taken in time can relieve a person from future troubles. Lot of such information which is otherwise difficult to get elsewhere so easily is at the disposal of reader.
Many of the thoughts and ideas already exist within civil engineering fraternity in a dispersed form. The book places them in a concise and organised form, before the reader. It is forerunner of the changes for those will be entering in the industry in future.
The book is hardbound with 124 black-and-white and 36 coloured printed pages with illustrations and sketches. It is also reasonably priced. Every possible hard work has undergone to bring it out in an exquisite way to make it an excellent copy to posses as a waterproofing reference book, for long.
Contact Author
Shailesh Kudtarkar
S1, Bldg. No. 417, Tagorenagar,
Vikhrolie (E), Mumbai – 400083
Tele: +91-22-65340437,
Mobile: +91-9820145621
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