Why waterproof underground structure in low water tables
By Edit Team | May 7, 2015 7:01 am SHARE

In order to enhance the durability it is essential to provide impermeable underground structures, explains Anil Kumar Varma, Executive Director at Kryton Buildmat Co. Pvt. Ltd.
A structure is only as strong as its foundation and when water ingresses into these foundations it causes seepage and reduces the durability of the structure drastically. The ingress is judged not just in the current situation but also keeping in mind the future conditions.
Waterproofing in wet areas of the structure such as toilets, kitchens and balconies is given due importance. However underground structures and foundations where water tables and rain impact is low, waterproofing is sidelined stating cost as a factor. But, today with prices of spaces skyrocketing, builders are optimising space to the maximum. There are more underground basements, car parking etc. being constructed across residential and commercial projects in the country. This is where water plays most havoc as it causes more damage to structures than earthquakes. So, in order to enhance the durability it is essential to provide impermeable underground structures.
Even in areas with low water table and low rainfall, underground structures need to have a full proof waterproofing system, as surface water from rain percolates through the subsoil. Once it reaches the structure, water carrying harmful chemicals find its way to penetrate the structure.
Not just the surface rain water, but there is always an eventuality of bursting water supply line, drainage pipeline etc. In such an eventuality there is high water pressure coming in contact with the structures, ending in leakage and dampness.
What’s the problem?
What happens when adequate precaution and measures of waterproofing in underground structure is not taken from the very start? The remedy is more expensive and time consuming than the process of waterproofing during construction would have been.
At times the repair cost becomes not only exorbitant but also non-workable. Keeping all of these facts in mind, builders, architects and consultants need to waterproof structures based on utility of the structures in all conditions.
A simple solution
Crystalline technology comes as a solution that fits the needs of underground and overhead structures by reducing permeability and increasing durability. Normally, it is recommended that one should consider PRAH (Permeability Reducing Admixture for Hydrostatic) conditions because these permeability reducing admixtures can make structure impermeable even under water pressure as well.
Kryton offers the most complete crystalline concrete waterproofing solution system available. As the pioneers of the crystalline waterproofing admixture, Kryton has refined an innovative system that includes the waterproofing admixture Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM), the Krystol crack repair system, and the Krystol surface-applied solutions.
Kryton’s award-winning Krystol technology is by far unique in terms of not just its chemical properties, but also physical properties. This technology uses water as a catalyst to create long, narrow crystals within the concrete itself. These crystals permanently fill the pores, capillaries and hairline cracks of the concrete mass, and continue to grow throughout the concrete, reaching lengths of many inches over time. Once the concrete has cured, the crystalline chemicals sit dormant until another dose of water (such as through a new crack) causes the chemical reaction to begin again. The ability to reactivate in the presence of water gives Krystol-treated concrete the ability to “self-seal”. When cracks form due to curing shrinkage, settling, seismic activity, etc., water entering through them causes new crystals to form and grow, blocking and filling the cracks.
As a global company and one of the leaders in the crystalline admixture category, Kryton brings world-class, category-leading technical expertise, and tailors it to local applications. Kryton is a global company that also has the ability to act local. Being a subsidiary of Kryton, Kryton Buildmat Co. Pvt. Ltd. is governed by all the quality and manufacturing standards of the parent company. The company’s production unit is ISO-certified and Kryton claims to be the only crystalline concrete waterproofing supplier in India that holds the coveted ISI hallmark. Kryton brings over 40 years of international experience and has been present in India for 20 years. Kryton provides customers with high-quality products, manufactured to international standards, and back-up the product line with the unparalleled service and expertise. This ensures that Kryton’s concrete waterproofing projects remain dusty dry and outlive their warranty periods time and time again. n
Authored by__
Anil Kumar Varma,
Executive Director,
Kryton Buildmat Co. Pvt. Ltd.
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