Working at height becomes safe with access platforms
By Edit Team | December 30, 2015 11:32 am SHARE

Maco represents GENIE, the pioneers of the MEWPS or AWP products. The Genie brand founded in 1966 and Maco has been representing them since 2004 which is 11 years the oldest by any dealer for AWP product. Ketan Patel, Director, Maco Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd shares his views on the current trends and factors driving the procurement decision making.
Current trends
Talking about the current trends in procurement of access equipment, Ketan says, “In India we have two types of customers procuring access equipment namely the end user segment and the rental companies. Indian companies still has the mindset with valid reasoning to own machines. The types of machines also vary with the customer segments. The end-user segment usually goes for machine at 20-metre and less with battery power as a preferred source for indoor or inside premises usage. The rental companies go for 30-metre plus machines diesel rough terrain used equipment from Europe, Middle East and Singapore. However there are few rental companies who invest in new equipment for long-term project or long lease.”
Ketan adds, “We have seen a surge in the end-user segment demand compared to last year same time. The rental scene has stabilised over the last year with not so much imports. There was a big import spree by many rental players in the last couple of years and with the infrastructure and other development project going slow the utilisation for these machines have taken a hit. Whatever imports we see now for used machines are by smaller players who are trying their hand at rentals.”
Keep workforce safe
Speaking on the major factors a buyer should consider before making a decision of buying access equipment, Ketan says, “Access platforms are actually safety equipment, they keep people safe while working at heights. So if a buyer intends to keep his workforce safe while working at heights he is doing the best investment for his business and his people. This is where the value of the equipment will look justified. This also reduces accidents at work place thus saving man hours and increasing productivity. Next is the application area plays an important role, which means where exactly the machine is to be used, does the place have enough space for equipment movement, does flooring support such machines, does the factory or plant has doorways to get the machine inside.”
Modernisation is an inevitable stage
Focusing on the factors driving the procurement decision making apart from pricing, productivity and durability, Ketan says, “The end-user segment is driven from the plant or user level hence once the need is identified then it is a necessity be it safety or productivity.”
Workplace modernisation is an inevitable stage in every company. Be it a manufacturing unit or a hotel or office building. “Ladders and scaffolds are eye sore to people but the blue Genie machines working in the lobby adds to the aesthetics. Be it any airport, metro project site, when people see a man working at height on a machine they surely wait and have a good look,” Ketan said.
Own machine to work at height
Stressing on the factors a buyer should consider while determining whether to rent or buy access equipment, he says, “If a buyer needs it only for a very short while or say a negligible time he has to rent. But if he has a 24 x 7 plant running and have systems which are at height and critical he needs to own a machine. If he has work at height even once a week he should own a machine.”
Why Maco?
Talking about the USP of Maco, Ketan says, “Maco has placed over 1,000 machines in the market and has a service team that understands the product better.” Maco has six offices with sales and service team together, spares stocking locations at three places namely Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. “Such infrastructure to support a product is the best in the market. Experience and timely support is everything that we offer,” Ketan reiterates.
If a buyer intends to keep his work force safe while working at heights he is doing the best investment for his business and his people.
Ketan Patel, Director, Maco Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd
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