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COD reduction in API (Bulk Drug) wastewater treatment plant

By | July 4, 2017 8:59 am SHARE

COD reduction in API (Bulk Drug) wastewater treatment plant

Background: This industry, located in South India, manufactures Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) including Bleomycin, Acyclovir, Aripiprazole, Clarithromycin, etc. Most of the ingredients manufactured are antibiotics and the presence of these residues in the wastewater added the toxic load to the generic microbial population in the biological unit. The situation was aggravated by a number of effluent streams emerging from the production unit. These possessed distinct characteristics and led to frequent plant upsets. The microbial culture used in their aeration tanks for treating the wastewater was incompetent at reducing the COD load.

Major objective; To reduce the COD level as per the Pollution Control Board (PCB) norms and stabilise the biological unit for effective plant performance.

CleanMaxx is a consortium of beneficial and robust microbes, isolated from nature. These microbes secrete effective enzymes which facilitate the degradation of organic matter. This product is completely safe to humans, plants and animals. Bioclean XLR (bio catalyst) is also recommended along with CleanMaxx to accelerate the bio-degradation process.

BioSure study: Before planning a treatment scheme, it was crucial to perform a treatability study of the effluent sample, in order to understand the wastewater characteristics and devise an appropriate treatment regime specific to the effluent. BioSure is a 15 day laboratory scale trial that confirms the suitability of the bacterial consortium and their development in the effluent. These trial reports cannot be related to the actual product performance on plant scale, but can only provide an indication about the suitability and sustainability of microbes. After 15 days of study, microscopic analysis revealed the presence of diverse population of microbes and other higher life forms. This indicated the sustainability of microbes in treating their effluent. Around 71 per cent reduction in the COD level was observed.

Dosage design: Bio-augmentation process was carried for a span of 2 months. An appropriate dosage pattern and application matrix was devised by our implementation team and it was ensured that the exact dosage was followed by the industry regularly for achieving optimum results. Gradual descent in COD level was observed during the project.

High COD was attributed to the refractory pollutants present in the effluent in large volumes. The microbial consortia present in CleanMaxx is capable enough in disintegrating wastewater pollutants. By the end of the project, an average of 85 per cent reduction in COD levels was observed. Prior to the use of CleanMaxx, the microbial culture used by the industry showed an average 57 per cent reduction in COD levels. The halophilic microbes harboured in CleanMaxx are extremely robust that can survive and degrade the pollutants efficiently even in high TDS levels. The COD level was further reduced below 250 mg/L after tertiary treatment.

Advanced microbial consortia in CleanMaxx aided in resolving all the major issues regarding effluent treatment. 85 per cent reduction in COD level was observed, which was further reduced after tertiary treatment to meet the PCB norms. Odour was eliminated from the treated effluent. Overall plant was stabilized and the ETP was found to be working at its peak efficiency.

Organica Biotech is a premium Environment Biotech company addressing the issues associated with waste water treatment by using innovative bio-technological solutions, developed through years of conversant research. For more details, visit www.organicabiotech.com

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