MB Crusher empowers global sports infrastructure
By Edit Team | July 16, 2024 4:48 pm SHARE

MB Crusher is happy to assist in the construction of arenas, stadiums, and sports centres across the world, giving athletes a platform to demonstrate their abilities.
As the world looks to France for the 2024 Olympic Games, let us reflect on the shared principles and traditions of the Olympics and MB Crusher. From ancient Greece to today’s building sites, both the Olympics and MB Crusher represent a heritage of excellence, resilience, and worldwide impact.

A legacy rooted in Greece
Over two millennia ago, the Olympic Games began in ancient Greece, and they have since evolved into a global celebration of physical skill and unity. Similarly, MB Crusher’s adventure began with one of its original machines, which has been working relentlessly in Greece for over two decades. This machine, a monument to MB Crusher’s endurance and invention, continues to run smoothly, reflecting the Olympic spirit of perseverance.

What are the shared values and principles?
Overcoming obstacles to reach greatness. Just as athletes train for years to achieve optimum performance, MB Crusher’s machines are designed to withstand the most extreme circumstances, producing consistent results every time. Working in temperatures below zero or blistering heat, MB Crusher machines perform with tenacity. For example, in 2010, an MB jaw crusher helped build the Soccer City Stadium in South Africa for the World Cup.
Global Impact
Just as the Olympics bring nations together, MB Crusher operates globally, influencing construction projects around the world. From stadiums and arenas to critical infrastructure, MB Crusher’s equipment is essential in renovating venues that accommodate the world’s best athletes. For example, in Brazil, jaw crushers and screening buckets were used to construct the Arena Pernambuco Stadium for the 2014 Brazilian World Cup.

Teamwork, collaboration, and dedication are essential for success in both the Olympics and at MB Crusher. For example, in Italy, a decommissioned sports field was rehabilitated and brought up to full certifiable standards utilising a grapple MB-G450, a jaw crusher BF 90.3, and a trammel screener MB-S10. The Grapple removed the running circuit mat, rolling it up as if it were a carpet at home, a true extension of the operator’s hand; the crusher BF90.3 reduced all the concrete to be used as a subbase for the road that leads to the new field; and the screener recovered the topsoil from the football pitch.

”Faster, Higher, Stronger Together.”
Legends and myths captivate the mind, but facts and truths shape tomorrow. While Hercules may be claimed to have inaugurated the Olympic Games, MB Crusher has undoubtedly helped create numerous arenas, stadiums and sports complexes and remains devoted to building a legacy of excellence, innovation and worldwide harmony.
For more information, visit: https://www.mbcrusher.com/en/in/
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