Aluminum Formworks has great resale value
By Edit Team | March 4, 2020 7:35 am SHARE

Nitin Mittal, Chairman, KNest Manufacturers talks about his Aluminum formwork solutions and how it is helping the construction sector.
How do you see the market for formwork solutions in India?
India is a country which builds a lot of houses and for building new houses Aluminum Formwork technology is the best option. Aluminum Formwork is best used for mass housing projects especially when one needs to maintain the quality and stick to timelines. Could you brief us about the formwork solutions you offer for construction? Since I am a developer myself, I understood the challenge of importing the material at exorbitant prices. This is when we decided to provide these solutions in India itself. KNest started its very own manufacturing unit in 2014 at Talegaon which houses highly automated machines. We not only provide Aluminum Formworks of the best quality but also speedy service and unlimited after-sales services too.
How Aluminium formwork solutions are eco-friendly and cost-effective?
Aluminum Formworks can be recycled and used up to 1,000 times without compromising on the final finish. It can also be refurbished and customized which means it has great scrap value. Also, aluminum doesn’t rust like steel in extreme weather conditions and doesn’t allow leakage during rains, hence it’s a very durable product. So, this means even if the cost of Aluminium Formworks is more compared to its older counterpart, wood… the return on investment is much higher. Another important point here is the speed at which construction is possible with Aluminium Formworks. It helps in reducing the project completion time. Hence we can safely say that when Aluminium Formworks is used, nothing is wasted.
What makes Knest solutions unique with respect to the existing offerings in the market?
KNest has a big advantage over its competitors in terms of giving direct service to the developer. Since we are an Indian company there is no middle man involved. Also, dependency on wood is completely taken away. Labour costs are reduced since we use high-end machinery and robotic welding method manned by experienced engineers to give a clean finish to the products. At the end of the day, servicing is very important for any developer and we leave no stone unturned in providing that.
Do your solutions cater to high rises as well which are prominent in the cities?
Aluminum Formworks technology is best suited for high-rises since the method ensures precision and speed. Not that smaller buildings can’t use Aluminum Formworks technology for construction but it’s the high-rises that this technology gives the best return on investment.
The reason for this is the speed of construction is much faster than what it has been thus far. There by changing the perception of the developer fraternity in the market. Also, the costs of construction will drop leading to a drop in the overall project costs. This is a winwin situation for not only the developers but also the end-users. If by using wood the project gets completed in a year, using Aluminium Formworks the same project can be completed in 7-8 months not compromising on the quality of the construction.
What according to you are some of the important points to be considered while selecting the right formwork solutions for a project?
One of the most important points to be considered while selecting the best formwork solutions is the quality of the material being used. The material at KNest is specially imported so as to ensure the quality is not tampered with. The material KNest uses is of high tensile strength and all are single extrusions. The panel of aluminium that we manufacture is 600mm without any welding, which is a single extrusion compared to 200 to 300 mm from other manufacturers. Hence we are a one-stop-shop for all your construction needs, we have tried to ensure our customers don’t need to look any further.
What did you make of the recently passed union budget for the construction sector?
The union government is trying its level best to boost the real estate sector as it is the second largest job-creating platform. The government has also given tax benefits to the corporates, so we will have wait and watch regarding the execution of policies announced in the budget. Also, the 80 IB A has been extended which helps developers save tax. To bring the interest rate down is the governments’ priority. So, I am quite optimistic and I believe the real estate will perform as the best in the next few years.
What are the future plans of Knest Manufacturers and also expansion plans?
KNest is synonymous with Monolithic Aluforms structures in India. I would like to see KNest Manufacturers LLP listed in the stock markets in the coming year. Also, our very own extrusion plan is something that will propel the growth of Knest further. For me, KNest is a way of giving back to society and to the developer community. Job creation is always going to be my ‘Number 1 vision and mission’. I hope to provide employment to 2,000 people by the end of 2025 as a contribution to society.
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