Insulating roofs with Perlcon GIB
By Edit Team | July 22, 2017 6:22 am SHARE
![Insulating roofs with Perlcon GIB Insulating roofs with Perlcon GIB](
Glazed Iso Ball (GIB) is the lightest aggregate having density from 100 kg/m3-150kg/m3. This material is white or light gray in colour and is about 1/10 the weight of sand or gravel. The specially processed GIB aggregate consists of expanded particles for use in lightweight concrete,fire retardant plasteror insulating concrete in place of sand or gravel.
For easy handling and accurate on-thejobmixing, it is usually marketed in HDPE bags, ready for use with cement .The many, tiny glass-sealed cells in each particle of expanded GIB make it highly insulating as well as comparatively non-absorptive. Thus, GIB mixes with about30 per cent less water than comparable lightweight aggregates.In addition, GIB saves energy up to 35 per cent. It gives cool and comfortable living. Use of GIB emits low carbon.
Advantages of using GIB<./strong>
Light weight: GIB in combination with Portland cement is the lightest of all mineral aggregate concretes. It can be designed with a density of up to 500 kg/m3. By greatly reducing the deadweight of floor, roof and wall constructions. GIB concrete permits significant savings in structural steel and other building materials.
Fire-retardant: GIB concrete is incombustible and has received 3hour ratings in underwriter’slaboratories fire tests. It is ideal for fire-retardant roof and floor fills, for thin concretecurtain walls and for precast panel and block constructions where insulation and fire resistance is required.
Insulating- Countless tiny air cells in GIB aggregate produce concrete with an insulating value up to 20 times better than ordinary concrete. A 2-inch thickness of GIB concrete provides insulation equal to that of 1-inch top quality insulation hoard and is entirely inorganic—not subject to damage by water, vermin or fungus and doesn’t catch fire.
Workable -Versatile GIB concrete canbe job-mixed or transit mixed, and then poured, pumped or plastered into place. Its light weight simplifies handling, speeds construction and reduces cost of placement. The dry concrete can be nailed, sawed and worked with ordinary carpentry tools.
• Recommendations: For lightweight insulating GIB concrete, the proper mix proportionsrequired for the compressive strength,thermal conductivity or other physical properties desired should be specified by mix design.For insulating roof fills and shortspan structural roof decks, use a 450-500 density GIB concrete. Use 500-600 Kg/m3 density GIB concrete for floor fills and short span lightweight floors.
• Materials: Cement shall be OPC 53 grade.Aggregate shall have a loose densityof 120-190 kg/m3. Air entraining admixture can be added if required. Water shall be clear and free fromoil, acid, alkali, organic matter or otherdeleterious substances, preferably potable.
• Mixing: GIB concrete shall be mixed in a paddletype plaster or a drum type concrete mixer. The required amounts of water, air entraining admixture and Portland cement shall be placed in the mixer and shall be mixed until slurryis formed. The proper quantity of GIB concrete aggregate shall then he added to the slurry and all materials mixed until desired wet density is reached.
• Placing: GIB concrete shall he carefullydeposited and screeded in a continuous operation until a panel or section is completed. Steel troweling shall be avoided. Rodding, tamping and vibrating shall not be used unless so specified by the architect.
• Curing: GIB concrete shall be protected forat least the first three days in accordance with good job practice to keep it from drying too rapidly or freezing. Freshly poured concrete shall be given adequate protection against damage by heavy rain. No traffic shall be allowed until concrete can sustain a man’s weight without indentation. For roof deck use, concrete shall cure at least 5 to 7 days after that waterproofing to be done of insulation concrete. This is far better than conventional brickbat coba layer normally used which is 5 times heavier than the concrete with GIB,has very high insulating values as compared to brick bat coba. n
Perlcon Premix Pvt.Ltd
No.302, Akshay,
Behind Vadilal House,No.53,
Shrimali Society Navrangpura,
Mithakhali, Ahamedabad – 380 009
Ph: +91 79 26441404, 26441325
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