Jayashree Electron: Manufacturing Electronic Speed Switches since 1980
By Edit Team | January 11, 2021 4:57 pm SHARE

Electronic Speed Switches are used in conveyor and rotary speed monitoring applications. Non contact type sensors are used to measure rotary speed with accuracy in process control applications. Jayashree Electron is manufacturing Electronic Speed Switches (Zero Speed Switches) since 1980. Millions of Jayashree models are working satisfactorily at various bulk material handling plants.
Jayashree Electron is a pioneer company for introducing non-contact type speed monitoring units. The units were developed in 1980 and since then millions of units are working in India and abroad.
Jayashree Electronic Speed Switches are available in various models to suit different application requirements. The units are designed by using latest Micro-controller technology. The speed monitors are widely used in power generation plants, cement industries, steel plants, mines, ports and all other bulk material handling application. n
For more details, contact:
Email: zss@jayashree.in
Website: www.jayashree.co.in
Contact No: +91-20-4690130
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