Established in 1979, ElectroMech is one of the largest EOT cranes manufacturers in India. It offers solutions for various applications in manufacturing plants and infrastructure projects through its range of hoists and cranes. Being encouraged with ‘Make in India’ campaign, Tushar Mehendale expresses his views on the same and also comments on the procurement trends for industrial cranes sector.
All eyes on ‘Make in India’India is being looked up on once again as a country that can emerge as a leader on the manufacturing front globally. With the Modi government kick starting the ‘Make in India’ campaign that aims to project India as the place to be action on the manufacturing front is definitely going to be interesting.
“More investments in manufacturing mean more requirements for cranes,” believes Mr Mehendale. “We are expectantly waiting for these investments to come in so that the bad patch, through which the economy has been going through, can be put behind us.”
Demand-supply scenarioDemand-supply gap has always been a concern for industry. Finding a long-term solution to face the same would definitely help having more stable and promising picture of market. However, the change can’t be expected to happen overnight.
Talking on demand-supply scenario, Mr Mehendale comments, “It is too early to experience such change i.e. demand outstripping supply. Many companies still have excess capacities and it will be a while before this slack is taken out of the system.”
Procurement trends for industrial cranes sectorToday, the focus of the customers is to go in for as less capex as possible as cash flows are hard to come by. As a result, the procurement is driven more from cost point of view rather than from a long-term value point of view. People who are expanding their capacities today are doing so with great hesitation as they are still not sure about the future. Hence the consideration is more towards getting their job done in the least possible cost in the short-term. But this is going to be a temporary scenario and pretty soon, the buyers are going to be focussing back on quality, high uptime and safety as any compromises on these aspects can lead to lower productivity at their ends.
“Today productivity levels do not matter as the demand is not there. However, when the demands start rising, expectations on productivity front will also rise,” estimates Mr Mehendale. “This is when the buyers will flock to high quality and reliable crane manufacturers like ElectroMech.”
Lean management“We run a very well-oiled manufacturing process based on concepts of lean management. As a result our supply chain is well integrated in our production process,” informs Mr Mehendale. Through effective leveraging of its SAP based IT platform coupled with its lean manufacturing methodologies, the company has been able to arrive at a very efficient supply chain.—————————————————————-More investment in manufacturing mean more requirements for cranes.
– Tushar Mehendale, Managing Director, ElectroMech Material Handling Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd.

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