Renting an equipment would always be a better option
By Edit Team | October 23, 2019 9:02 am SHARE

What is your strategy to expand business for existing product range?
We see MEWP Rental Industry in India getting matured, but not at the pace at which we would like see industry grow. But the trends are changing as customers are becoming more safety conscious. Though there are huge operational and payment realization challenges, our strategy would be to increase our rental fleet and provide better support and service for our clients.
Looking at the present scenario what would you advise for procurement of Access Equipment? Buy it or rent it, why do you say so?
Maco sells as well rents access equipment to customer, hence we try to understand customers’ requirement and accordingly advise them to buy or rent. Though renting an equipment would always be a better option as there is not capital investment.
What are the challenges you see are faced by the industry in dealing with upcoming demand and supply?
We do not see much challenges in terms of demand and supply, if you have good planning and strategy for your business. Though there are huge manpower and operational challenges.
What is your expectation from the industry bodies and policy makers to capitalise the present market?
From MEWP Rental industry point of view, we expect more investments in Infrastructure and manufacturing segment, along with better cash liquidity in the market. Today timely payment realization has become a challenge.
What is your company’s outlook for 2022?
We see ourselves as India’s most recognized and best MEWP rental company in India. We intend to increase our rental fleet many fold by 2022.
Though there are huge operational and payment realization challenges, our strategy would be to increase our rental fleet and provide better support and service for our clients.
Krishna Patel, Head Access SBU, Maco Corporation India Pvt Ltd
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