Tata Steel and AUS to jointly create sustainable Mining solutions
By Edit Team | August 17, 2022 6:16 pm SHARE

Tata Steel has signed an MoU with Aarav Unmanned Systems (AUS), a Bangalore based startup that provides end-to-end drone solutions for effective mine management.
The primary goal of this collaboration is to develop and offer integrated, long-term solutions that focus on the efficiency, safety, and productivity of open-pit mining operations. Tata Steel will also collaborate with AUS to provide exclusive drone-based solutions, such as mine analytics and geo technical mapping, to Tata Steel group companies across various stocks and mining locations in India.
D. B. Sundara Ramam, Vice President, Raw Materials, Tata Steel, commented on the collaboration, saying, “Drone survey enabled digitalisation and other technology will assist in gathering impactful and actionable insights.” These all-in-one mining solutions are cost-effective, require less on-the-ground exploration, and improve production, efficiency, and site safety. Tata Steel’s Noamundi Iron Mine was recently awarded a 5-Star rating for sustainable development for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Noamundi Mine has received this honour for the sixth time in a row.
AUS has been collaborating closely with the steel industry behemoth to provide cutting edge drone technology to modernise its mining operations. The most recent contract will focus on using remote mine monitoring to improve mine efficiency, safety, and productivity.
The accuracy, reliability, and consistency of data are crucial in the mining industry, and our solutions will be able to increase Tata Steel’s productivity and efficiency and help modernise their mining operations, according to Vipul Singh, founder and CEO of Aarav Unmanned Systems.
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